Hi everybody! Today I'm back again, and the topic this time is HORTATORY TEXT. I will explain more about Hortatory Text and give an example.
A hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. In other words, the main function of Hortatory Exposition text is to persuade the readers or listener that something should or should not be the case.
A. Social Function :
The social function of hortatory text is to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case. So, hortatory is trying to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something. This type of writing is commonly used in fields related to social concerns, such as politics, health and the environment.
B. Generic Structure of Hortatory Text :
1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern
2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation
3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments
C. Language Features of Hortatory Text :
There are some language features of hortatory exposition text, such as using emotive words, simple present tense, using connective, using thinking verb, using action verb.
1. Emotive Words
It an be abstract nouns, adjectives, verbs, and emotive adverbs. For example, love, freedom, pride, terror, justice, magical, wonderful, tragic, adored, saved, betrayed, defiantly, and beautifully are emotive words
2. Simple Present Tense.
3. The use of Relational Process, Internal Conjunction, and Causal Conjunction.
4. There are Several Arguments that begin with, firstly, secondly, thirdly.
5. It contain recommendation
D. Hortatory Text Example
Example O1 : https://www.cnnindonesia.com/edukasi/20230913123129-569-998431/pengertian-ciri-struktur-dan-contoh-hortatory-exposition-text
Mobile Phone Should be Banned in School
· Introduction/thesis :
Nowadays, mobile phone user increase dramatically. Mobile phone is not only used for calling and texting but also for taking pictures, recording video,playing games, acessing internet, and much more. These days, mobile phone not only used by the adults but also used by teenager and students. However, should students be allowed to bring mobile phone at school?
(Saat ini, pengguna telepon seluler meningkat drastis. Ponsel tidak hanya digunakan untuk menelepon dan mengirim SMS, tetapi juga untuk mengambil gambar, merekam video, bermain game, mengakses internet, dan masih banyak lagi. Saat ini, telepon seluler tidak hanya digunakan oleh orang dewasa saja, tapi juga digunakan oleh remaja dan pelajar. Namun, apakah siswa boleh membawa ponsel ke sekolah?)
· Argument I:
Many schools do not allow their students to bring mobile phone to school. It is very reasonable, because bringing mobile phone to school potentially disrupt the learning process. A lot of students use mobile phone irresponsibly. Students often use mobile phone to communicate with their friends during the class. They also like to take pictures with their friends in the class as well. Those can make the students less concentrated during the teaching learning process.
(Banyak sekolah yang tidak memperbolehkan siswanya membawa ponsel ke sekolah. Hal ini sangat beralasan, karena membawa telepon genggam ke sekolah berpotensi mengganggu proses pembelajaran. Banyak pelajar yang menggunakan ponsel secara tidak bertanggung jawab. Siswa sering menggunakan ponsel untuk berkomunikasi dengan temannya selama pelajaran. Mereka juga suka berfoto bersama teman-temannya di kelas. Hal tersebut dapat membuat siswa kurang konsentrasi pada saat proses belajar mengajar.)
· Argument II:
Mobile phone also provide a large temptation for the students to cheat in a test. They can ask their friends for an answer for the test. Students can send text quitely without being noticed by the teacher. Learning at school is to behave fair way not cheating.
(Ponsel juga membuka kesempatan bagi siswa untuk berbuat curang. Mereka bisa dengan mudah menanyakan jawaban ujian kepada temannya. Karena ukuran ponsel yang kecil, siswa dapat mengirim teks dengan tenang tanpa diketahui oleh guru. Pembelajaran di sekolah haruslah berperilaku adil, bukan mencontek.)
· Reccomendation:
Therefore, schools should ban their student for bringing mobile phone to school. However, in case of an emergency and students need a call for help, schools should provide easy access to phone.
(Oleh karena itu, sekolah harus melarang siswanya membawa ponsel ke sekolah. Namun, jika terjadi keadaan darurat dan siswa memerlukan panggilan bantuan, sekolah harus menyediakan akses mudah ke telepon.)
Example O2 :
Rules Are Not a Burden, But a Direction
Rules are things that bind humans in carrying out their lives. So sometimes people feel burdened and always want a freedom, but life will certainly not be orderly without rules. Here are some reasons why rules are important.
Firstly, before we talk about the importance of rules, I want to tell that a good rules are rules that provide a positive path and correct guidance. It's like, if we are arranged a puzzle, we will need a book "Puzzle Installation Instruction" so that it will make it easier to arrange the puzzle itself. What if we don't have the instruction book? Our puzzle will not form or may even be destroyed. From this example what can be compared the book as rules and puzzles is our life, we understand how important a rules is.
Then secondly, the benefits of obeying laws and regulations are also to maintain the safety of yourself and others. Rules are also used for the smooth functioning of life, work, society, and to bring discipline in our lives. It helps us in shaping and giving meaning to our lives.
On the other hand, the last one. It is important to make and implement rules to create a safe and peaceful atmosphere and place. Everyone will be able to live an orderly and balanced life.
Therefore, the rules are there to be obeyed and followed. So it can be concluded that we all need to throw away our egos and must follow the rules in the world. Because in fact, rules are a tool to guide us through the journey of life.
That's all I can say, I hope you enjoy reading it and understand what is meant. Hopefully this is useful and hope you'll stay happy! see you in the next blog <3
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