"My Understanding of Descriptive Text"
Hi everyone! back again with me, Gabriel. Now I will provide a written explanation of my understanding of the description text. The writing I wrote was based on lessons learned at my school, websites, and class XI SPLASH school textbooks.
What is Descriptive Text?
Descriptive text
is text where the main idea is conveyed by describing certain objects, places
and events in detail. Descriptive text also has the aim of describing
something related to experience based on observations from all five senses : feeling,
hearing, touching, smelling and seeing. From there, the writer can create the
reader's imagination so that they can directly experience what is discussed in
the text.
Descriptive Text Stucture
- Identification (introduction/classification), introduce the topic, person, idea, or thing that is being described or explained and how the topic being described or explained.
: Education is an important foundation in the life of
every individual. Education is the process of preparing someone to develop the
knowledge, skills and character needed in life. In education, individuals
learn, interact, and grow as quality individuals.
Example : In the school context, education brings students into a structured environment where they gain knowledge in a variety of subjects. Through this learning process, students are given the opportunity to understand concepts, apply skills, and hone critical thinking.
In addition, education also involves the development of social and emotional skills. At school, students learn to interact, appreciate diversity and manage emotions. All of this aims to help students grow into adaptive, caring and resilient individuals. However, education is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills. Education also includes the formation of good character and values.
Language Features in Descriptive Text
In addition, there
are some language features of a descriptive text.
Specific participant it can be something that is not common and usually unique because it is the only one in the world.
The use adjectives, they can be adjectives, adjective phrases, or/and adjective
Adjectives are words that describe or modify a person, thing, place and concept (ie a noun or a noun phrase) in a sentence. Adjectives are placed before the noun or noun phrase that they modify. They may be attributive, appearing before the noun or predicative appearing after a linking verb. Not all adjectives can be used in both positions.
An attributive adjective is used before the noun it describes.
: Anis is driving an expensive yellow car. (the
adjective phrase "an expensive yellow acts as a modifier which modifies
the noun car.)
Meanwhile, a
predicative adjective usually comes after the noun. It follows verbs such as
be, become, grow, look, or seem. Predicative adjectives do not occur
immediately after the noun. Instead, they follow a verb.
: The printer is progressively useful. (the adjective
phrase "progressively useful follows the verb be.)
The use of simple present tense
The simple present
tense is used in sentences that express an activity or fact that occurs in the
present. It uses only one verb. Look at the examples :
(a) The Hubble
Space Telescope is a large telescope in the spaces below.
(b) Hubble travels
about 5 miles per second.
Sentence (a) is a
sentence in the form of simple present tense that uses "is" as its
verb. Sentence (b) is a sentence in the form of simple present tense with
travels as the verb.
The use of action verbs
Describes the
action that the subject of the sentence performs. Example : My grandfather
walks with a stick. ("walk" is the action verb.)
Contains figurative language.
It contains
figurative language in the form of a simile or metaphor. Example: birds singing
on tree branches.
D. Identifying Adjective Order
Adjectives have a
function to explaining or describing nouns. However, when we want to explain a
noun as an adjective attribute (in front of the adjective) there is a
possibility that we will use more than one adjective or adjective. It turns out
that these adjectives have their own rules, which are called adjective order.
Adejctive order
needs to be adhered to when writing or mentioning adjectives, namely
OSACOMP, which has meaning and examples like in those below :
1. O = Opinion (amazing, easy,
good, nice, cool)
2. S = Size (small, big, large, huge, long, short)
3. A = Age (old, young, ancient,
4. S = Shape (flat,
hexagonal, circle, square)
5. C = Color (green, blue,
navy, pink, white, black)
6. O = Origin (American,
Greek, Asian)
M = Material (wooden,
gold, glass, cloth)
8. P = Purpose (reading, learning, eating, studying)
This is an emphty,
large, and old classroom.
· This is an [01. Opinion] emphty , [02. Size] large, and [03. Age] old [Noun] classroom.
Sentence Structure
Sentence structure
is the order of all the parts in a sentence : subject, predicate, objects,
phrases, punctuation, etc. It deals a lot with independent and dependent
clauses and how they combine (explained below), the placement of words and
phrases next to what they modify, as well as the use of proper grammar.
For descriptive
text we use S-V-O-Adverb (Manner, Place, Time) for the sentence structure.
- S – Subject
complements are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, or other constructions (acting as
nouns or adjectives) that follow verbs of being or linking verbs and function
to explain or refer to the subject of the sentence. Subject complements can be
divided into predicative adjectives (subjects connected to adjectives), and
predicate nominatives (subjects connected to nouns or pronouns).
: Mr. Mamat was a great headmaster. (Headmaster (predicate noun) explains the
subject "Mr. Mamat".)
- V – Verb
A verb is a word
that functions to show the action of the subject, shows an event or situation.
: I love swimming. (Swimming is verb.)
- O – Object
The object is
about who or for what the subject carries out an activity. In addition, the
object is usually placed after the predicate.
: I named my cat Kitty. (Kitty is the object here)
- A – Adverb (Manner,
Place, Time)
Adverb is a word
or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a
word group, expressing a relation of place, time, manner.
Identifying Adverb of Manner, Place, and Time
• Manner
Adverbs of manner describe how something happens.
Example : Some elderly people drive slowly.
The words used to describe driving at different speeds (quickly or slowly) are excellent examples of adverbs of manner.
• Place
Adverbs of place tell us where something happens. Some examples of adverbs of place : here, everywhere, outside, away and around.
Example : John looked around but he couldn't see the monkey. ("Around" is an example of adverbs of place.)
Adverbs of time tell us when an action happened, but also for how long and how often.
Example :
(a) I will be going to my cousin’s place tomorrow.
(b) Yesterday, Teena met Anu at the supermarket.
The words "tomorrow" and "yesterday" in the sentence are examples of adverbs of time.
Identifying Verb
• Transitive Verbs
Transitive verbs
are verbs that require an object so that the sentence composed is
complete and has complete meaning.
• Intransitive Verbs
Intransitive verbs
are verbs that do not need an object to make the sentence that is put
together complete and have complete meaning.
H. Conjunction
Conjunction is a connecting word. Conjunctions, also called Linking Words, are used to connect words in a sentence.
Examples of conjunctions used in the following sentences:
- · Claudia likes apples and oranges.
- · I went home because I had to study.
And here is an Example of Descriptive Text :
Education is Important
Education is an important foundation in the life of every individual. Education is the process of preparing someone to develop the knowledge, skills and character needed in life. In education, individuals learn, interact and grow as quality individuals. In the school context, education brings students into a structured environment where they gain knowledge in a variety of subjects. Through this learning process, students are given the opportunity to understand concepts, apply skills, and hone critical thinking.
In addition, education also involves the development of social and emotional skills. At school, students learn to interact, appreciate diversity, and manage emotions. All of this aims to help students grow into adaptive, caring and resilient individuals. However, education is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills. Education also includes the formation of good character and values.
That's all the explanation regarding descriptive text. I hope it's helpful and useful. See you in the next blog!
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