The Chronology of Bawen Toll Road Accident in Semarang (Reporter)
I am Gabriel Aurelia and now I will be a reporter. I will bring tragic news and something heartbreaking for all the victims. I apologize if there is something you don't like about the material I present.So, right now i'll bring back the chronology of the one tragic accident in Semarang.
Bawen Toll Road Accident
This traffic accident occurred near the exit of the Bawen Toll Road, Semarang on September 23, 2023. The truck allegedly experienced brake failure and hit a number of vehicles that were stopped at a red light. This accident resulted in fatalities. As of this time, 4 people had died and 18 other people had suffered minor to serious injuries. But currently, traffic flow has returned to normal. All vehicles involved in the accident have also been evacuated by officers.
I apologize for this news. Hopefully all of the victim's deeds of worship will be accepted and the victim's family, friends and relatives will be given fortitude. I hope that incidents like this can be avoided and do not happen again. Finally, I apologize if there are any word errors and thank you.
Video Link :Video Reporter
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